Episode 66 - Gaming Antics and Interventions
In this episode of Invert The Why, The DrunknMunky and Nervous Nathan are back. We hold a intervention for Nervous Nathan over his gaming antics and behaviour. We chat about his gaming history and his current disappointment with gaming. Games we chat about are Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassins Creed, Tiger Woods Golf, Zelda Breath of the Wild, Quake, Borderlands, Division 2, Rock Band and more. Plus we somehow get to the topic of the video game crash of the 1980s and plaster fun house in the 90s. We chat about our high and low moments of gaming. We end it with a classic track that's wiggy wiggedy whack. Hosted by Retro Dan with Nervous Nathan and DrunknMunky. This was recorded during Nov 19.
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